Applied Rheology: Publications

Abstract: We report unprecedented non-Einstein-like viscosity decrease of polymer melts by special low glass transition, Tg, inorganic tin fluorophosphate glass (Pglass) that is remarkably counter to widely accepted dispersions, suspensions, and composites theories. The well dispersed low-Tg Pglass dramatically decrease the polymer melt viscosity while increasing its Young's modulus in the solid state at low loading (<2%) however decreasing with high loading (>2%), making the hybrid Pglass/polymer solid material stronger yet easier to process in the liquid state. Disruption of the Nylon 6 melt dynamics, strong physicochemical interactions, and submicrometer nanophase separation (proved by rheometry, FTIR, DSC, SEM, NMR and XRD) are thought to be responsible for this experimental fact. This finding should beneficially impact our ability to prepare lower viscosity, very highly filled Nylon 6 melts from already existing materials and polymer processing methods such as injection molding and extrusion, making the simple strategy potentially widely applicable in a number of applications such as thinner barrier resistant thin films, composites, and membranes for heterogeneous catalysis. © 2011 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-21-42654

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Appl Rheol 21 (2011) issues:


© Applied Rheology 2018