Applied Rheology: Publications
R. Muller, M. Bouquey, F. Mauguiere, G. Schlatter, C. Serra, J. Terrisse
Rheology of reactive polymer blends: separation of mixing and reaction steps

Appl. Rheol. 11:3 (2001) 141-152

Abstract: The crosslinking reaction in various types of polymer blends was followed by rheological measurements. Miscible polymers with controlled glass transition temperature, chain length and number of functional units per chain were synthesized by bulk radical copolymerization. Other experiments were carried out on immiscible systems based on commercial polymers. Blends were either prepared in a batch mixer or directly in the parallel-plate geometry of a rotational rheometer. Due to the low glass transition or melting temperature of most blend components, it was usually possible to separate the mixing step which was carried out at low temperature from the crosslinking reaction which was followed by small amplitude dynamic measurements at higher temperatures. The influence of several parameters on the reaction was studied, in particular : the reaction temperature, the amount of shear during the mixing step (or mixing time), the number of functional units per chain in each blend component and the blend composition. For the miscible blends, a master curve for the dependence of the elastic modulus G’ as a function of reaction time could be drawn for different functionalities and blend compositions. © 2001 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-11-141

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