Applied Rheology: Publications
Dimiter Hadjistamov
Viscoelastic Behavior of Disperse Systems with Silicone Oil and Different Fillers

Appl. Rheol. 12:6 (2002) 297-302

Abstract: The rheological behavior of model suspensions with the silicone oil M20000 and different concentrations of Cab-o-sil TS 720 resp. Durcal 5 are compared. The increase of the Cab-o-sil concentration changes the flow behavior of the suspension from shear-thinning, to pseudoplastic, and to plastic flow behavior. The first normal stress difference rises at the same time at certain shear rate. The disperse systems with Durcal 5 keep the structural viscous behavior of the silicone oil even with a filler concentration of 40.5 wt%. The dependence of the first normal stress difference on shear rate represents for suspensions with Durcal 5 only one straight line with a slope of n = 2. The normal stress has double the amount of the silicone oil M20000 at given shear rate and is independent of the used Durcal 5 concentration. It was established that suspensions with the silicone oil M20000 have a first normal stress difference that can, depending on the filler type, either increase (with Cab-o-sil TS 720) or decrease (with Durcal 5) at certain shear stress with increasing filler concentration. It is to be supposed that the decrease of the normal stress at a given shear stress, with increasing Durcal concentration, is a softening effect, caused by the filler. © 2002 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-12-297

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