Applied Rheology: Publications
Giovanni Polacco, Otakar Josef Vacin, Dario Biondi, Jiri Stastna, Ludovit Zanzotto
Dynamic Master Curves of Polymer Modified Asphalt from Three Different Geometries

Appl. Rheol. 13:3 (2003) 118-124

Abstract: Polymer modified asphalt is an highly temperature sensitive material. To obtain the master curves of dynamic material functions, for this material, it is necessary to perform the testing over the temperature interval from - 30.C to at least 90.C. Since in this temperature range the polymer modified asphalt undergoes the transition from a glass-like to a Newtonian-like material, the benefit of using three testing geometries is studied here. The geometries used were: torsion bar (for the low temperatures), plate-plate (for the mid range temperatures) and bob and cup (for the high temperatures). The advantage of the combination of these three geometries is discussed. Stress and strain controlled rheometers were used to conduct all dynamic experiments. Master curves obtained by these geometries cover up to 20 decades of the reduced frequency. © 2003 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-13-118

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Appl Rheol 13 (2003) issues:


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