Applied Rheology: Publications
Suneel, Richard S. Graham, Tom C.B. McLeish
Characterisation of an Industrial Polymer Melt Through either Uniaxial Extension or Exponential Shear Data: An Application of the Pom-Pom Model

Appl. Rheol. 13:1 (2003) 19-25

Abstract: We present new non-linear data in extension and two different shear histories. These data are used to compare the effectiveness of using exponential shear data and uniaxial extension data to characterise the non-linear response of an industrial LDPE melt with the pom-pom molecular model. We conclude that extension and exponential shear both allow good predictions to be made in simple shear. However, the characterisation spectrum obtained from exponential shear data fails to predict the correct degree of strain hardening at low extension rates. From this study we are able to suggest circumstances under which exponential shear provides a useful characterisation of branched polymer melts. © 2003 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-13-19

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