Applied Rheology: Publications
Dr. J.H. Watson
The Diabolical Case of the Recurring Yield Stress

Appl. Rheol. 14:1 (2004) 40-45

Abstract: The yield stress has, since its conception, been a source of fierce and often acrimonious debate. This review article deals with the issue, looking at problems related to the meaning of the definition, timescale of the observation, whether the yield stress is a property of concentrated suspensions or is linked to the strength of coherent network structures. We discuss the problematic nature of how to measure the yield stress, directly or indirectly, and examples of the vane geometry are given. Throughout, absolutist and realist theories and evidence are presented and a consensus is finally drawn. Rheologists should embrace the consequences of the absolutist and realist theories and apply them to their everyday world - whatever the timescale! © 2004 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-14-40

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