Applied Rheology: Publications
Nicolas Benard, Sebastien Jarny, Damien Coisne
Definition of an experimental blood like fluid for laser measurements in cardiovascular studies.

Appl. Rheol. 17:4 (2007) 44251 (9 pages)

Abstract: Nowadays it is necessary to perform experimental measurements to compare with numerical calculations. In this study we focus on different aqueous solutions which are tested to obtain in the same time a rheological blood like fluid and particular optical properties for laser measurements (particle image velocimetry (PIV) or laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV)). Using viscometric tests we show that the non Newtonian behavior of blood is reached by adding xanthan gum in aqueous glycerol and aqueous potassium thiocyanate solutions. Optical properties are directly achieved by modifying glycerol or thiocyanate potassium concentrations. Indeed we proove using refractometric measurements that the addition of xanthan gum does not affect the value of the refractive indexes. Finally,we can prepare an optical blood like fluid adapted to cardiovascular studies by adjusting the proportion of the different components. © 2007 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-17-44251

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Appl Rheol 17 (2007) issues:


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