Applied Rheology: Publications
S.A.R. Hashmi, Takeshi Kitano
Effects of State Change of Liquid Crystalline Polymer on Dynamic Visco-elasticity of its Blends with Polyethylene-terephthalate

Appl. Rheol. 17:6 (2007) 64510 (7 pages)

Abstract: The dynamic viscoelastic properties of liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) blends were studied at two different temperatures: 265 oC at which LCP was in solid state and 285 oC at which LCP was in molten state. The PET was in molten state at both the temperatures. The storage modulus, G', loss modulus, G'', dynamic viscosity, η', of blends with different compositions were evaluated and compared. The morphology of these samples was studied using scanning electron microscope, which exhibited composition dependency. A maxima was observed in the viscosity versus composition plot corresponding to 90/10 LCP/PET blend at 285oC. The G' versus G'' plots demonstrated the composition dependency of LCP/PET blends. © 2007 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-17-64510

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