Applied Rheology: Publications
Hemaka C.H. Bandulasena, William B. Zimmerman, Julia M. Rees
Rheometry of non-Newtonian polymer solution using microchannel pressure driven flow

Appl. Rheol. 20:5 (2010) 55608 (8 pages)

Abstract: This paper is concerned with the determination of the constitutive parameters of low concentrations of the complex fluid polyethylene glycol (PEO). Velocity fields of PEO solutions in a microfluidic T-junction have been measured for pressure driven flow using micron resolution particle image velocimetry. As the fluid is forced to turn the corner of the T-junction a range of shear rates, and therefore viscosities, is produced.Thus it is possible to establish the rheological profile from a single experiment. An inverse method used in conjunction with a finite element model was used to determine the constitutive parameters of the fluid, estimated to within 1.5 % error in all three cases considered. © 2010 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-20-55608

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