Applied Rheology: Publications
Petr Filip, Petra Svrcinova
Measurement of elongational viscosity of polymer melts using SER Universal Testing Platform

Appl. Rheol. 22:1 (2012) 14776 (5 pages)

Abstract: The measurement of elongational viscosity still evokes a series of problems in comparison with the relatively well-established measurement of shear viscosity. Recently new techniques have appeared enabling measurement of elongational viscosity with the samples for which the aspect ratios of their geometrical shapes (i.e. length vs. width (diameter)) can attain moderate values, i.e. not necessarily of a longitudinal character as in the case of earlier techniques. The aim of this contribution is to experimentally demonstrate the invariantness of transient uniaxial elongational viscosity measured with respect to a rectangular shape and thickness of LDPE samples using a SER Universal Testing Platform fixed in an Anton Paar MCR 501 host system. The width of the samples was varied within the range 2.1-12.7 mm and thickness altered within 0.1-1 mm. An advantage of fixing polymer samples directly to both drums (if possible) over the application of clamps is documented. © 2012 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-22-14776

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Appl Rheol 22 (2012) issues:


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