Applied Rheology: Publications
Saeed Farrokhpay
Rheology of titania pigment slurry

Appl. Rheol. 22:5 (2012) 55285 (6 pages)

Abstract: The influence of polymeric dispersants containing different functional groups on the suspension behaviour of titania pigment slurry was investigated. The dispersants chosen were polyacrylic acid and modified polyacrylamides including homo and copolymers modified with carboxylate and/or hydroxyl groups. The pigment slurry rheology was strongly affected by both pH and dispersant chemical groups. The inorganic coating layer on the titania surface is not smooth, but rough or porous. The surface roughness of the pigment can generate additional contribution to the affinity of the dispersants for adsorption. © 2012 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-22-55285

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