Applied Rheology: Publications
Hsiao Wei Tan, Misni Misran
Effect of chitosan-modified fatty acid liposomes on the rheological properties of the polysaccharide-based gel

Appl. Rheol. 24:3 (2014) 34839 (9 pages)

Abstract: Incorporation of liposome into gel is the most common approach for the preparation of topical and transdermal liposomal formulation, due to the ability of liposome to improve the drug deposition and permeation rate within the skin. In this study, the liposomal gel consisted of iota-carrageenan, carboxymethyl cellulose, and chitosan-coated-oleic acid liposome were prepared. The effect of liposomes on the rheological properties of the iota-carrageenan-carboxymethyl cellulose mix gel was evaluated. The rheological result indicated that the presence of the chitosan-coated-oleic acid liposomes in the gel had modified the viscoelastic and flow characteristics of the gel. The input energy from the oscillatory test could be stored more effectively in the elastic component of the liposomal gels, as compared to the original gel itself. This result showed that the liposomal gels exhibited greater elasticity and were more solid-like when compared with the original gel system. The complex viscosity of the liposomal gels was slightly higher than the original gel. The complex viscosity of the liposomal gels was also found to decrease with increasing frequency, indicating the shear thinning behavior of the liposomal gels. The lower Power Law Index (PDI) of the liposomal gels indicated a greater shear thinning behavior and better spreadability. © 2014 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-24-34839

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