Applied Rheology: Publications
Noureddine Kheloufi, Mourad Lounis
An optical technique for Newtonian fluid viscosity measurement using multiparameters analysis

Appl. Rheol. 24:4 (2014) 44134 (8 pages)

Abstract: This work presents a technique based on optical tracking of the free fall in a Newtonian fluid used in falling ball viscometers. Classical techniques have shown, on one hand a limit in the ball falling height measurement, on the other hand a limit in the accuracy estimation of velocity and therefore a weak precision on the viscosity calculation of the fluids. Our method consist to measure the fall height by taking video scenes of the ball during its fall and thus to estimate its terminal velocity which is a preponderant parameter in the kinematic velocity computing, using both the Stokes or Hoppler formalisms. The precision reached in this approach adjoins encouraging values for future works in the purpose to improve this method further. © 2014 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-24-44134

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