Applied Rheology: Publications
Joseph Assaad, Yehia Daou
Use of the equivalent mortar phase to assess thixotropy of fresh SCC - Prediction of interfacial bond strength between successive placement lifts

Appl. Rheol. 26:4 (2016) 42759 (10 pages)

Abstract: Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is very sensitive to delays or stoppages between successive lifts during casting, especially given that vibration is prohibited with this highly flowable type of concrete. The investigation reported in this paper seeks to quantify the effect of mixture proportioning on thixotropy along with the resulting effect on interfacial bond strength of hardened material that could result from successive lifts. The suitability of the equivalent mortar phase to simplify testing protocols and appropriately predict SCC properties was given particular attention; the concrete-equivalent-mortar (CEM) mixtures are derived from SCC by eliminating the coarse aggregate fraction and replacing it by an equivalent quantity of sand having equal surface area. Tests results have shown that SCC and CEM mixtures prepared with combinations of increased cement content, silica fume, and/or viscosity-modifier led to higher levels of thixotropy. Yet, the responses determined using SCC were higher by around 1.6 times than those of CEM, given the differences in unit weight and air content between both materials. Good correlations are established between thixotropy and interfacial bond strengths of SCC and CEM mixtures. Key words: © 2016 Applied Rheology.

DOI 10.3933/ApplRheol-26-42759

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Appl Rheol 26 (2016) issues:


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